Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Boo Cheetos

How many of you have seen the new Cheetos commercial? A women is at the laundry mat and another women says something rude to her. The women who has been spoken to rudely looks and sees the mascot "Chester" sitting at a table. Chester says to her "go ahead those are her whites in the dryer." The women then opens the dryer and places some Cheetos in the dryer to ruin the rude women's cloths.
What in the world is Cheetos teaching us by this? I remember years ago they were playing off the idea that Cheetos are "dangerously cheesy" or something like that. That was Cheetos right? But what are they trying to say now? Eat Cheetos and give into your evil desires?
It is no wonder the high school students I teach act like is such cruel ways. I have been aware for the longest time the negative vibes sent out by some Movies, Music and Video Games, but this was the first time I had seen a TV ad encouraging you to act out in anger against someone.
Praise God that He has a different view of Grace and Mercy than Cheetos does!
The deeper issue is that we all have the same urges that woman in the laundry mat had. We want to slash another rude drivers tires or something wrong. I encourage you to take that sin to the cross. Sins you only think and don't act out are sins too. Repent. Set your hearts and minds on things above! Colossians 3:1-2


Anonymous said...

don't like it, don't watch t.v.

you're the kind of person that makes younger people want to do the things they do.

Anonymous said...

it's just a commerical...

Anonymous said...

I think you are absolutely right! Hurrah for putting it so well and I do hope that the blog will influence someone to be a better person and think about what they are pitching to people.

Anonymous said...

I agree, I think this commercial is irresponsible.

Anonymous said...

The beauty of television is that we get to watch people do things we wouldn't normally do. I think the Cheetos ad is hilarious and in good humor. Taking a Cheetos ad all the way to preaching about repenting of your sins is a HUGE stretch, Chris Chappell.